Often the hardest step is the first step. The same holds true for starting a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program in your school, district, or community.
So how do I start an SRTS program? If I could make one recommendation it would be to start a Walking Wednesday program. A Walking Wednesday program simply put encourages kids to walk, and roll if you like, to school. You can promote Walking Wednesdays as a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly event. It’s really up to you and your community. Start small and built on your successes.
Why start with a Walking Wednesday though? A Walking Wednesday can build the foundation for other programs like Walking School Buses/Bike Trains while creating stronger participation and community interest for events such as Walk or Bike to School day.
Below is the chapter on Walking Wednesday from our Encouragement Guide. Take a look at it. If you have questions on how to start a Walking Wednesday we can help. Jared@iowabike.org