The “Iowa Kids on the Move” curriculum was developed as part of the Iowa Safe Routes to School Encouragement and Education Program which was created by the Iowa Bicycle Coalition. Funding for this program was provided by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School program
Iowa Kids on the Move include the following lessons:
Lesson 1: Good for You, Good for the Earth
Lesson 2: Another Way to Go
Lesson 3: Car Smarts
Lesson 4: Brighten Up!
Lesson 5: Wanda and Wally Brighten Up!
Lesson 6: Crossing to Safety
Lesson 7: Use Your Head Before Your Feet
Lesson 8: Sidewalk Safety
Lesson 9: Sidewalk Safety Day
Lesson 10: All Aboard The School Bus
Lesson 11: Healthy Travel for You and Planet Earth
Lesson 12: Be A Lert!
Lesson 13: Taking to the Streets
Lesson 14: Bike Safety, Fit and Protective Gear
Lesson 15: Bicycle Rules of the Road
Lesson 16: Pedal Power on the Road
Lesson 17: Celebration of Iowa Kids on the Move
Please visit the link below to review the Iowa Kids on the Move booklet.