January 24, 2014
Room 303-306
Iowa Events Center, Des Moines
It’s been quite a year as the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program Director. I’ve been able to travel all around the state helping communities like yours build SRTS programs for their schools. Building SRTS within your schools and communities is a huge learning curve for all parties as every environment needs something a little different. ‘
At our meeting this year we will be discussing Walking School Buses: Best Practices. We’re going to have some great speakers in addition to discussing ways to make your Walking School Buses the best that they can be. If you have a Walking School Bus program in your community or know someone who does and would be willing to share your stories, we would love to have you there during our meeting. Please contact Alana to share your stories. (alana@iowabicyclecoalition.org)
Pam Hoogerwerf is the Director for Community Outreach and Injury Prevention University of Iowa Children’s Hospital and Dr. Cara Hamann is a postdoc and injury epodemiologist for the Injury Prevention Reasearch Center at the University of Iowa College of Public Health. Pam and Dr. Hamann will discuss their presentation on results from the Pedal PORTAL pilot, a naturalistic bicycling study conducted in Iowa that utilized GPS-enabled helmet cameras to capture the bicycling experience of children and adults. Results presented will include descriptions of typical riding patterns, differences between adults and children, and rates of errors, near crashes, and crashes.
Ashley Christensen serves as the Regional Safe Routes to School Coordinator for Northeast Iowa and is dedicated to increasing physical activity levels among youth by enabling and encouraging students to safely walk and bicycle to and from school and in daily life. Ashley will review her guide on 10 Steps to Creating a Rural, Regional Safe Routes to School Program.
During the last part of our meeting YOU will discuss what has worked best for your Walking School Bus Program. Come sit with us and let’s compare our notes on our sustainable Walking School Bus Programs. During this segment we will brainstorm ideas on how to involve more schools and agencies throughout the state of Iowa in Safe Routes to School and how to market more effectively to our audiences.
Let’s explore our mutual mission by expanding the importance of Safe Routes to School. This meeting is a fantastic opportunity to network while growing lasting partnerships and to change the state of Iowa one safe route at a time.
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Iowa Bicycle Coalition