Saris Poster Contest – Help Get Your Kids Excited About Biking!!!!

Coralville, IAJanuary 9, 2013—The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is partnering with Saris Cycling Group, a manufacturer of bicycle racks and cycling training products, to launch a poster contest to get fifth graders to think about the benefits of the bicycle. The contest is asking 5th grade students to create a poster around the theme “Bicycling makes life better.” The purpose of the contest is to promote youth riding bicycles as a way to lead an healthy lifestyle.

One winner will be selected from each state to receive a bike, bike light, and helmet. One National winner will win a trip to the 2014 National Bike Summit in Washington DC and their school will receive bicycle parking to park twenty bikes and a bike/walk tracking system called The Hub.

The contest provides a fun activity to get students excited about learning and provides teachers a creative way to introduce healthy living concepts,” said SCG Advocacy Coordinator Heather Fortune.  “This is a great way to encourage fifth graders to simply think about the places a bike can take them, for fun or for transportation.” 

To learn more about the SCG Poster Contest or to participate contact John Phipps at , 515-309-2867. Also visit

About Saris Cycling Group

Saris Cycling Group, Inc. is located in Madison, WI. Saris Cycling Group is an industry leader committed to bicycle advocacy and manufactures Saris Car Racks, Saris Parking and Storage Solutions, CycleOps PowerTap, and CycleOps Trainers. For more information, visit

Iowa Bicycle Coalition

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