*** 1/16/2013 UPDATE ***
A March 1, 2013, deadline for submission of applications to the Safe Routes to School program has been set. Notification of awards is tentatively set for June with funds available October 1, 2013. On January 15, 2013, the Transportation Commission acted to approve the staff recommendations for Iowa’s Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding under MAP-21 which included distributing the vast majority of TAP funds to the metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and regional planning affiliations (RPAs) for them to program on TAP-eligible projects. The March 1, 2013, Safe Routes to School application round will award the remaining dedicated Safe Routes to School funds available to the Iowa DOT under SAFETEA-LU. Under MAP-21, Safe Routes to Schools activities will be funded under TAP. Future Safe Routes to School projects will be awarded and programmed by the local MPOs and RPAs.
For more information about applying for MPO or RPA programmed TAP funds,
contact the MPO or RPA in the project area.