My name is Jared Morford and I’m the new Iowa Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS), Program Manager. I’ve been on the job for the last month now and I thought I would check-in.
So what have I been doing? I’ve been meeting with stakeholders, attending the Iowa Trails Summit, planning the Iowa Safe Routes to Schools 2020 conference, reading the current curriculum, and a bunch more.
I hope everybody had a great Walk to School Day on October 2, 2019. Next year you can expect to see more timely content and ways to make your Walk & Bike to School Day even better!
Mark your calendars:
National Safe Routes to School Conference – November 12-14, 2020 Tampa, FL
Iowa Safe Routes to Schools Conference – January 23, 2020 (Speaker TBD) Des Moines, IA
Bike to School Day – May 6, 2020
Walk to School Day – October 7, 2020
If you have any questions or would like to chat. Free free to contact me
One last thought, the sun is rising later and setting earlier. Make sure you are visible and safe. Bundle up and keep walking and biking.