Iowa Safe Routes to School is excited to Welcome Brenda Vavroch to the team! Brenda is the Safe Routes to Schools Coordinator at Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments (INRCOG). INRCOG serves the six counties of Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Butler, Chickasaw, and Grundy. Brenda is excited to expand my impact and focus on bettering communities, with safer and healthier options, for youth to grow and thrive in.

Brenda is a proud graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Leisure, Youth & Human Services, focusing on Tourism and Non-Profit Administration. Prior to joining the INRCOG staff in Waterloo, she spent 15 years in the youth development field with various nonprofits in the Cedar Valley and North Iowa areas.

Brenda and her family taking a selfie!

In Brenda’s spare time she joys time with her family, boating, fishing, and bike riding just to name a few. I can’t forget about my daily walks with our dog, Billi, she follows me around the house begging until I take her. 

Brenda looks forward to meeting with as many supporters as possible, you can contact her by email or 319-235-0311.