
We’re making changes around here and we want you to be a part of them. We’re doing some revising of our Walking School Bus Guide and while what we have is already an excellent source for you in creating walking school bus programs, our goal is to make it even BIGGER AND BETTER!!!

Alana has been working with the Cedar Rapids Walking School Bus committee in creating a Walking School Bus MENU. That’s right. This comprehensive menu is great in making the strain of building a program into something that’s never been so easy. We’ve mapped it out for you and now all you have to do is make the decisions on building your program. Sustainability is key but the most important thing is a building a program which fits your school’s needs.

Keep a look out for a webinar regarding the Walking School Bus Menu. We’ve not yet set a date in stone, but we’d love for you to attend.

Lastly, in the revision of our WSB guide we’re looking for success stories across the state. If you have a successful WSB program and want your stories published in our guide, send us your information!

Here’s and example of what we’re looking for:

North Liberty
150 students participating
Walking School Bus on Wednesdays
Single School Model
Four routes
Volunteers would rotate
Began with a successful walk to school day
Used open house to recruit participants and volunteers.
Published a handbook. Received funding from local bank
to purchase t-shirts and supplies.
School secretary keeps attendance lists.

Contact Alana for more information!