This month’s blog comes from SRTS partner Ashley Christensen at Upper Exploreland Regional Planning Commission. During the first week of January, she had the fortune to tag along with the Mechanic-Mill Street Walking School Bus on several mornings. Below are some thoughts on Ashley’s experience:
While joining the Decorah Walking School Bus this week, I was reminded that it’s the little things in life that sometimes matter the most. Like little legs trekking up hills and through snow on the way to school each and every day. Such a simple act, yet so powerful in so many ways. And magical, too!
I have so much respect for each of the volunteers and families involved in this small but mighty Walking School Bus crew. And I thank them from the bottom of my heart for reminding me about the little things. It’s all too easy to forget about what matters most sometimes .
The Mechanic-Mill Street Walking School Bus in Decorah walks to school throughout the academic year. Kudos to the kids and volunteers who are walking to school every day, regardless of temperature and despite the pandemic. For the safety of the students and volunteers, everyone is encouraged to socially distance while walking, mask up, and use the hand sanitizer provided. Masked up and bundled up the kids and volunteers of the Mechanic-Mill street walking school bus are starting their day off with a healthy walk that is good for both the mind and the body.
To learn about how to bring a Walking School Bus to your community, contact Iowa Safe Routes to School staff.
Ashley Christensen
Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission
Decorah, IA
Brenda Vavroch
Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments
Waterloo, IA
Jared Morford
Iowa Bicycle Coalition
Coralville, IA