We would like to extend an invite to your community, businesses, and schools by becoming partners with the Iowa Safe Routes to School program.
Individual schools are the heart of the partnership and the tiered structure of the partnership was designed with the intent of keeping schools interested year after year. Many communities and schools are currently committed to Safe Routes to School yet no state network previously existed to facilitate communication or provide opportunities for collaboration.
Schools can commit to Safe Routes to School as an entry level partner then through the implementation of various programs and activities will be able to progress to bronze, silver, and gold level partners. Ultimately each school will reach gold level status and will have a Safe Routes to school program that will be sustainable for years to come.
Each level of the partnership is designed to encourage more involvement and integration of bicycle and pedestrian safety education into students regular school days. This philosophy seeks to change the day to day behaviors of students and will work to alleviate parent and community concerns about the safety and feasibility of regularly walking or biking to school. The Iowa Safe Routes to School Program will provide increasing amounts of customized assistance to schools as grow their programs, incentive items will also be given to schools as they progress.
While schools will be the core of the partnership it will rely on both state and local organizations and businesses to provide resources and support to Safe Routes school partners. By working with these larger groups the partnership will be able to better communicate and cooperate with those who have similar goals and initiatives. This will streamline many Safe Routes to School programs and allow for greater efficiency at a local level.
The partnership will strive to strengthen previous relationships as well as establish new ones in accomplishing our goal of conducting Safe Routes to School workshops in each of Iowa’s 99 counties. Our resource partners will play an important role in gathering local stakeholders and preparing their community for a Safe Routes to School workshop. A growing relationship with both state and local departments of public health will be vital when it comes to the hosting and presentation of workshops.
The varying levels which can be attained by school partners:
Bronze level: Developing and Implementing
Conduct a student travel tally
Host a Safe Routes to School kickoff event (i.e. International Walk to School Day)
Plus one of the following:
Communicate with parents, teachers, and administration
Coordinate a Safe Routes to School workshop
Set up a Safe Routes to School info table at school conference day or open house
Silver level: Gaining Momentum
Host two Safe Routes to School events per year
Coordinate or attend a Safe Routes to School workshop (if not already done so)
Plus one of the following:
Sustain one ongoing program from the Iowa Bicycle and Pedestrian Encouragement Guide
Conduct classroom bicycle and pedestrian education from the Iowa Kids on the Move handbook
Use “Iowa Kids on the Move Team” for school safety education day
Gold level: Striving for Sustainability
Safe Routes to School supported by PTA
Plus one of the following:
Pedestrian/bicycle education is received by all the schools students
Safe Routes to School is integrated into the schools Rewards Program
Faculty and staff are active participants in Safe Routes to School programs
Development of a Safe Routes school travel plan
Iowa Safe Routes School: School Partners
Contact Alana@iowabicyclecoalition.org for more information on SRTS and becoming a partner