Walk it out!

Visit this website for more information on Walk to School Day! http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=0ca292d1bb9c257e6ecfd4f06&id=e1865c42c2&e=[UNIQID]


Just wanted to let you know that we’ve come up with a little poster which focuses on Walking School Bus tips for both the driver and the rider. Please check it out. Print off a copy, stare at it, use it, hug it (because there are so many great tips! :))....

Watch a preview…

of what the Iowa Bicycle Coalition has up its sleeve… Subscribe to our Youtube channel!...

Walking School Buses

What a busy busy day yesterday!! My morning started off with a trip to Jackson Elementary in Linn County where they were awarded with money, along with three other elementary schools in the area– Erskine, Garfield, Van Buren, from the Iowa Department of Public...