Annual SRTS Meeting
January 24, 830-1000am
Iowa Events Center, Des Moines
It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone as your Iowa Safe Routes to School program director. We’ve been able to do a lot of great things within the state of Iowa but we’re looking to do more for your communities and your schools. We will be hosting our annual Safe Routes to School (SRTS) meeting and we’d like your input.
The purpose of hosting a statewide SRTS meeting is to learn more about the needs of your communities and schools. Here’s where you come in… we need YOUR input on developing ideas for the theme/s of our meeting. What are you dying to learn more about/ discuss? Not only is this meeting a great networking tool but it’s a great way for us to find what works or what doesn’t work for individual communities.
Please email me with a list of ideas you would like to learn about at our statewide meeting and about the Iowa SRTS program.
I will be sending an invite your way in the coming weeks but be sure to mark your calendar for January 24, 830-1000 am at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.