Community Volunteer Spotlight


April Bril

Safe Routes to School coordinator

Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission


“Be the change you wish to see in the world” -Gandhi

This is one of my all-time favorite quotes and I think it describes our amazing volunteer Julie Fischer perfectly.

Julie has been helping kids in our community walk safely to school for several years now. She goes above and beyond by leading the Mechanic Street Walking School Bus TWO mornings a week…. even in the winter!! Exceeding expectations is normal for Julie who volunteers for Northeast Iowa RSVP and serves on the Board of Directors NE Iowa Peace & Justice Center, Inc. She also Volunteers with Decorah Community Meal, a free supper that any and everyone is welcome to attend on the first and third Thursday of each month. After attending the 2018 Winneshiek Idea House (an event that brings entrepreneurs, community “investors,” and experts together to create a stronger local economy), She added volunteering at Humble Hands Harvest to her long list of civic engagement.

Julie, THANK YOU for all the time and energy you have invested in our community! You ARE the change we wish to see.