Walk to School Day
October is National Walking Month
International Walk to School Day is just 40 days away and we’re looking forward to your community school to participate!
What’s that? You’re wanting some freebies for International Walk to school day on October 8? Looks like you’re in luck! Once you’ve registered your school for Walk to School Day, you can earn freebies!
This fall we’re giving away one Hub System– a hardware and software package that makes it simple, educational, and effective to implement a walking and biking incentive program.
There are just three easy steps that make this wonderful Hub system work… Step 1: RIDE/ WALK, Step 2: Scan, and Step 3: EARN!
There’s no better way to get kids and families to walk and bike to school than this system… For more information about this Hub System, please hit the tab below!
While we only have one Hub System, that doesn’t mean that your school won’t receive something! We have plenty of stickers, pencils, and bookmarks to give away to your kids!
So be sure to register for Walk to School Day — walkbiketoschool.org
Email: alana@iowabicyclecoalition.org to register for the Hub System