Spring 2014 Contests with Iowa Safe Routes to School!

Busy Spring in 2014

Let’s get our kids walking and biking!

We never thought we’d see another beautiful day again after this arctic winter, but here we are, basking in the 50 degree weather. That means spring is just around the corner and more kids will be walking and biking to and from school. The Iowa Safe Routes to School program wants to keep you in the loop about our upcoming events this spring to motivate your children to walk and bike more!

Saris Poster Contest: 
Iowa Safe Routes to School is partnering up with the Saris Cycling Group to promote the 5th Grade National Poster Contest. 5th graders will design a poster based on the famous quote, ” Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride”. – JFK. Posters must be postmarked with permission slip to Alana by March 7. First place winner receives bicycle, helmet, and light.Punch Card Contest: 
The purpose of this contest is to motivate healthy lifestyles by getting children to walk and bike to school. Schools participating will motivate children to walk to school for 10 days. For each day a child walks they will receive a punch on their punch card. At the end of two weeks punch cards are to be mailed to the Iowa Bicycle Coalition. Schools with the highest numbers of biking and walking trips will win a prize.

International Bike to School Day:
Did you know that May was national biking month? In just a few short months school aged children across the country will have their very own special day! On May 7th schools across the country will be hosting their annual Bike to School Day events. In 2013 we had 27 schools across the state of Iowa and this year we’re shooting for 70 schools. Get involved and get your school registered!

If you would like to learn more about the Iowa Safe Routes to school Program and what we can offer your community and school, please do not hesitate to contact us!

For more information on 2014 Spring Contests, click the tabs below.

National Poster Contest!
Rules and Information
Win a prize!
Punch Card Contest
Bike to School Day
May  7th!
Register for BTS!
Email us for more infomation!
Visit our Website
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