2021 has been a great year for Iowa Safe Routes to School. We’ve worked with new schools and organizations throughout the state. In fact, our biggest successes of 2021 came from working with local organizations willing to step in and host bike rodeos and safety education throughout Iowa. Due to this overwhelming success, Iowa Safe Routes to School wants to start organizing bike rodeo and education days in March and April of 2022.
Planning ahead does a few things:
– Helps Iowa SRTS with volunteer management
– Helps with resource allocation (ie. Staff, Helmets, Bikes)
– Helps maximize the educating the greatest amount of Iowa Kids
– Helps YOUR neighborhood, school, or community guarantee IA SRTS can attend and help at your event
Additionally, planning now for events in March and April of 2022 creates a great opportunity to host a Bike Rodeo as well as prepare kids for Bike to School Day 2022 on May 4th. This creates the opportunity for two bike events that are kid-focused. For schools and communities that are looking to be more active or applying for grants multiple opportunities to engage and events are amazing!
We know it sounds crazy to be talking about 2022 biking and walking education, but Iowa Safe Routes to School is getting requests for events already this year. In fact, we’ve had three requests this week. Maybe, you’re neighborhood, school, or community isn’t ready to set a date yet. But now is great to start talking with potentially interested parties and most importantly, Iowa Safe Routes to School. So start the conversation now by reaching out to jared@iowabike.org with any questions.