Issued March 21,2014


Alana Croco

Safe Routes to School Program Director

Iowa Bicycle Coalition

P.O. Box 5562

Coralville, IA



MISSOURI VALLEY, Iowa– The Iowa Safe Routes to School program will be hosting a community workshop in Missouri Valley on March 31, 2014 from 1230- 430 pm. This meeting will take place at the Missouri Valley Community School District Office at 109 E. Michigan Street.

The Iowa Safe Routes to School program is working to change the health and safety of our youth by helping by helping communities to organize their own Safe Routes to School Programs.

The goal of this 4 hour workshop is to help your community to create walking and biking action plans for school zones. In this workshop we will present your steering committee with a picture rich presentation regarding the five E’s (evaluation, engineering, education, encouragement, and enforcement), a hands-on session resulting in generation of possible solutions to problems unique to the school/ community, and lastly we will help you create an action plan for your local Safe Routes to School task force.

Prior to the meeting we ask that a steering committee (local law enforcement, city officials, school officials, parents. etc) be put in place, that you conduct a before and after school talley– how many kids are walking and biking to school, and have three major issues which inhibit children from walking and biking to school.

If interested in attending please register at:

Space is limited to 25 people, register now!

For more information on the Iowa Safe Routes to School program and to register for this free meeting, please visit or contact Alana Croco (